Art that inspires


Meet Jack – made from 100% found materials handcrafted with finest details using more than 60 odd pieces of junk.
The sleek body robot consists of several tiny parts of wrist watch, laptop washers nuts and more but it’s the tin-can that holds Jack firm. (Food for thought : It takes 80-100 years to fully decompose an aluminium can) 

Back story : After spending about 8 years in animation, working for feature films, series and games. I was keen to make a short film. Just like every aspiring artist who gets into this profession, has this aim at some point of time.
But for me it took almost 14 years to make a one minute short film. It was a small team of five friends who helped me in achieving this goal. Coincidently I met them during my studio days couple of years ago.

Jack genesis: Curiosity is clearly one of Jack’s predictable traits.
Besides this – Jack is a shy mild mannered lad, acts tipsy sometimes due to obvious reasons. Jack is fully
loaded with super controls that transform him to do un-imaginable stunts literally! 
Here’s how – Jack lost his memory (partially) due to a trivial incident that occurred in the 8mango labs – where ‘Jack was being made’ (read as Goodfellas Voice over)
Given that Jack is innovative by nature, he has an eye for details too.

Although a man of few words, Jack is a keen listener as well. Very recently Jack created a flying device that resonates more like a bag pack. Ironically Jack has no clue how it operates but some day he will figure it out! 
here’s the link of the short film