Absolute Artefacts from Obsolete Materials
Crafting premium artefacts for corporates, institutes and individuals, with the blend of sustainability.
Renowned brands served over last two decades

Commissioned Art
Classy installations that spark conversations with a lasting impression.
Premium Collectibles
Artefacts with rare lineage of materials, blend of rustic charm and nostalgia

Media appearance

Connecting the dots
Design specialist in leading diverse projects from ideation to execution in digital applications/products. Proud to a crew of National award winning 3D film.
Self-taught artist who enjoys experimenting with wide spectrum of materialsto craft unique artifacts, installations. Delivered 80+ episodes art and craft for Sony Entertainment

What clients say about my art
These artefacts not only represent a conscious decision to contribute to a greener and mindful future.
It's also a powerful reminder of the potential for creativity and sustainability to co-exist harmoniously.
Viiveck Verma | Licensee and Curator at TEDx Hyderabad
I really really loved the artefact. First of all it so matches my taste - travel, history, unique art work and colors all put together.In today's world of cookie cutter products, this unique piece really stands out.
Abhishek Viad | Travel enthusiast